Portland Central - Rod McAdams
Nr. licență: 960100013 - OR / Principal Broker la Real Estate Portland Group
Fiecare birou Keller Williams® este deținut și operat independent
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CENTRU DE PIAȚĂ Portland Central

Despre Mine

Two for the Price of One-The Real Estate Portland Group is a team. For you, this means flexibility, availability and the knowledge and experience that come with our combined backgrounds and expertise. Successful Experience- As one of the area’s top producing teams, we have experienced just about every circumstance and variation imaginable in residential real estate. Rod is an exceptionally skilled problem-solver and negotiator and has earned a great deal of respect in the real estate community. The relationships Real Estate Portland Group has forged will expedite the achievement of your goals. Consultants- We view ourselves foremost as consultants and will apply our real estate knowledge and skills to all aspects of your transaction. We stay abreast of market conditions and real estate trends and work with you closely to understand your preferences. We will employ all of this knowledge in assisting you in finding a home to match your needs. Advocates- As advocates, we treat your concerns and your money as if they were our own. What’s best for you? What best fits your needs and priorities? These are the questions that drive our business. An Education-Based Approach- We not only share our expertise; we are continually involved in our own education, ensuring that our advice is based on the latest real estate information and practice. Communication- Guided by your communication preferences, we keep you up-to-date on new and changed listings, as well as market conditions. We coordinate with you on our schedules to make sure we can view properties of interest in a timely manner. Once we have an accepted offer, in addition to frequent calls and emails, we set you up on your own personal web site allowing you to monitor the progress of the transaction at your convenience. Referral Based- Most of our business comes to us through referral. Therefore, meeting your needs is essential to the success of our business. We work to exceed your expectations in hopes of earning the right to become your real estate consultants for life.

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A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Rod McAdams
Nr. licență: 960100013
Real Estate Portland Group

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Portland Central
919 NE 19th Ave Suite 100 Portland, OR 97232

Rod McAdams
Principal Broker 960100013
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